complex diet

complex dietcomplex diet
  1. Chinese sturgeon , Acipenser sinensis , was cultured in 7 2 m 3 cement pond , feeding by artificial complex diet .


  2. This frees the males for their extravagant courtship behavior , and the complex diet provides them with chemicals to make their brightly colored feathers .


  3. The qualifications for new roommates basically exclude anyone who watches 4 hours of TV / movie / game entertainment per week , who loves social media , who attends protests , who dates online , who wears make-up or who has a complex diet that requires lots of refrigerator space .


  4. Conclusions The complex model diet feeding could build rat model of metabolic syndrome ( MS ) according with or approaching to clinic practice .


  5. Studies on the Effect of Applying Complex Enzyme in Broiler Diet


  6. Methods Rat models of various PDS types were established by such complex factors as improper diet , over fatigue and drug damage .


  7. Methods : The rat model of spleen-Qi deficiency syndrome was established by the complex methods of improper diet and overstrain .


  8. By combining the latest discoveries in human genetics with a deeper understanding of the hundreds of compounds found in food , investigators have begun to tease apart some of the more complex interactions between your diet and your DNA .


  9. The supplement of above 0.2 % Mg-Aspirin complex increased pH value of meat quality within 24h after slaughter significantly ( P < 0.05 ) . So the above three factor concluded : the supplement of Mg-Aspirin complex in diet can improve meat quality effectively .
